Thursday, August 30, 2007

Hi All - just showing off

Hey look at this great new photo of my kids - how handsome are they!!!???


Niki Kallenberger said...

What a handsome pair, Margie! Lovely photo.

Also glad to see I've got you on board as an author. Whew, did it! Good to be learning something new. Niki

Margie Anderson said...

Yep - they are good looking. Take after their Mum...

Claudia Davies (Qld) said...

Now you've thrown down a challenge - have to find the cutest photo of my three. They're lovely children. They're all lovely though when they're captured in a still, soundless photo, arent' they ; )

Robyn Ellard said...

Yeah - I can't see a bit of Craig in them at all - unless you know about their brains :-)