Thursday, August 30, 2007

Library Folk in the Pub (NSW)

After more than a year in this job, I finally managed to get myself to the one regular library gig in Sydney -- Library Folk in the Pub. This group meets the last Wednesday of every month, and for some reason I've had something else on (or been overseas) for way too many last Wednesdays. There were only about 8 people there, but I worked the whole time (luckily a glass of red helped!). There were questions about employment, especially from a young Chinese librarian only recently arrived (drafting those templates really helped, Margie, we need to finish them though); questions from the very capable but overworked convenor of the NSW mentoring group; questions about what the heck ALIA Sydney is doing; questions, questions, questions. Am so very pleased I got there, but it really reminds me just how valuable a regular gathering can be. Will do all I can to make sure I'm there each time they meet, and will include details in my welcome email to new members in the Sydney area. Do similar groups meet in other states? Confess I'm not sure. Julian Sortland and Justine Carlisle, who coordinate it all, are to be commended, but I think even they'd say it doesn't take too much effort.


Margie Anderson said...

The new grads in Vic had a recent meeting at the pub and it went well. I am wondering if it would be good to try to encourage some more. How many people usually go to the ones in NSW? There used to be regular ones in ACT too - I think they called them Library Libations. Do they still happen? It would be good to get a mix of old and new members at these events. How many people do you think we would need to make it look like a success?

Jane Jeppson said...

Tas New Grads meet this way too every couple of months (in addition to their other more formal events) and they invite students to join them too!

Robyn Ellard said...

Nope - sorry - no ACT meetings in the pub here (damn)