Friday, October 5, 2007

"LLOs in Touch" with others

I thought it might be useful to create a list of other blogs / Wikis / Web pages library related (or not) that we find useful, informative or just plain interesting.

Here are a few to get us started:
Derek's Blog
Derek's our vice president and has his own blog where he discusses ALIA issues. Very interesting to hear from a Director.

Roxanne's Blog
Roxanne started this after Derek, which is why she's second. Again interesting to see what's happening

Board Blog
This is the ALIA Directors' public blog - I must say - they could be more exciting

Kevin's Blog
This one's interesting. Kevin is often controversial about ALIA and it's good to check up with what he's saying every now and then (especially when it's about you :-)

Not for Profit Network
This is a great organisation designed to support NFP (like us). Lots of great resources here too (especially under "Resource Library")

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