Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Teacher Librarians' blackboard

Hi everyone, just a quick post to test the technology.
Next month I'm trying a new adventure - connecting in cyber space with students of the Master of Learning Innovation (Teacher-Librarian) program (ED09). The students don't have contact time, so the representative of SLAQ and I are going to participate in a week-long forum with students using Blackboard technology. That's a new one for me.
I have to put together a list of resources and questions to post to them about what it means to be a part of a profession. When I get more details, I'll be looking for some comments on this thread!
Cheers for now


Natarsha said...


This sounds exciting and like something I could use as the students over here apparently aren't too fond of contact time. Would love to know how it all went as it might be an answer I have been looking for

Margie Anderson said...

Great idea Claudia. I use Blackboard all the time to teach, but I never thought od using it for my alia role. Perhaps we can come up with some generic resources or sytems all the courses could use?